Who loves shoes???
well...well...well... count baby Dana in...
She has a lot of shoes even if she can't wear it yet...it was given by her 2 year old cousin from London. Her pair of white Christening shoes was bought in SM. The pink tsinelas was bought in Divi and the pink pair of shoe for formal dress was bought in SM also. Then she received pink sandals as a gift.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
my Nappies
My family are fan of Pampers..from my youngest bro to my cousins..all pampers users. When I gave birth to Dana, we bought the Pampers New Baby and I can say that I like the quality, very absorbent, it even has wet indicator and it fits well on my baby. We are only using nappy at night (FYI) coz we are still kinda old fashioned and preferred using lampin in daytime. So we used it for more than a month. Then we switched to Pampers Comfort Medium then jumped to large when she turned 2 months.
We received 2 packs of Pampers comfort Large as a gift for her..but I don't know what happen to Pampers Comfort because the quality was not that great anymore based on the experienced I had with the 2 packs: few wee-wees and it will leak, the gel comes out and stick on my baby's butt (good thing she didn't have any rashes) and the tape easily snapped out.
So I bought the super expensive "MAMY POKO", I've heard a lot of feedback's with the performance of this nappy and I can attest that it's all TRUE...you can get the quality of what you've paid for; super absorbent, cute design and cloth like cover. Since that it is so expensive (like 14.50 per piece) I only use it to Dana at nighttime. I can say that it is much cheaper to have 1 mamy poko at night than 2 pampers comfort.
I also tried Pampers Active baby and I can say that it's good as well. If I don't have a budget, I will consider it as Dana's night nappy alternate with mamy poko.
I can say that Fitti Aloe works fine with Dana, it is also absorbent, with magic tape and cloth like cover. I also tried to use it at night and it works fine still. But for the meantime I'm only using it at daytime. For 30 pcs. I only bought for 225.00..cheap huh! but I've got the quality that I need.
We received 2 packs of Pampers comfort Large as a gift for her..but I don't know what happen to Pampers Comfort because the quality was not that great anymore based on the experienced I had with the 2 packs: few wee-wees and it will leak, the gel comes out and stick on my baby's butt (good thing she didn't have any rashes) and the tape easily snapped out.
So I bought the super expensive "MAMY POKO", I've heard a lot of feedback's with the performance of this nappy and I can attest that it's all TRUE...you can get the quality of what you've paid for; super absorbent, cute design and cloth like cover. Since that it is so expensive (like 14.50 per piece) I only use it to Dana at nighttime. I can say that it is much cheaper to have 1 mamy poko at night than 2 pampers comfort.
super cloth like cover i like the design..so cute
I also tried Pampers Active baby and I can say that it's good as well. If I don't have a budget, I will consider it as Dana's night nappy alternate with mamy poko.
...butt... butt... butt...
Reading forums and blogs I came across on sites where they are promoting Generic diapers so I was curious if it's also has good qualities even if it's much cheaper. Good thing that Mommy She of exclusivelykidz (http://exclusivelykids.multiply.com/) is just our neighbor so when we finished with the last Pampers comfort pack I decided to buy 1 pack of Fitti aloe. Based on forums again and feedback's Fitti aloe is highly recommended..so why not give it a try ...although diapers are really hiyangan din to babies so even if you have the most expensive one if it is not ok to your baby then it is useless... I can say that Fitti Aloe works fine with Dana, it is also absorbent, with magic tape and cloth like cover. I also tried to use it at night and it works fine still. But for the meantime I'm only using it at daytime. For 30 pcs. I only bought for 225.00..cheap huh! but I've got the quality that I need.
As long as it is rashes free to baby Dana then go for it..
"splish-splash" time
Everyday routine...splish splash ba-bath time of Dana.. She really loves it and smiles a lot when she heard the magic word "Baby ba-bath time na". So before I tell her the magic word I make sure I already prepared her ba-bath paraphernalias.
JnJ Baby Powder
Baby oil, cotton buds, baby Milk lotion and hair brush
I use baby powder and apply it on her back and butt. I make sure to apply it the right way so that she cannot inhale the powder dust to avoid asthma trigger. Instead of using commercialized baby oil, we are using Natural coconut oil and put it on an empty lotion container (enfant). 3 cotton buds are always present, i'm not cleaning the inside ear everyday so I just use the buds to clean the outside portion of her ear (along the earrings). Hairbrush to keep her hair on the right place (para hindi masabihan na mahangin ba sa labas..hehe).
This is how I arrange her things for ba-bath time. The towel first then the receiving blanket then extra diaper cloth (Lampin) to dry her. So after ba-bath I put her on the receiving blanket and wrap her around to dry her and the towel for additional comfort. Then I'll start to dry her hair using the "lampin" and then next her body. ONce I'm done drying her wet skin I applied lotion on her legs and hands then next is the powder...then the diaper..then her clothes.
OOOPPPPSSS...before that.."touch therapy" first
So before her ba-bath splish splash I do massage her from head to toe. It also serve as our bonding and exercise moments...she loves it when I touch her body with li'l oil in my palm. I've watched videos on youtube on how to perform proper massage for infants/babies. And of course while massaging her I always talk to her, saying Mommy Loves U, Daddy Loves you ..you are our Angel and so on..to keep her attentive and to enjoy our touch therapy.
By the way, always perform touch therapy when she's in mood and not hungry or full.
By the way, always perform touch therapy when she's in mood and not hungry or full.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Dana's Laughing out loud
kaboom!!! my Dana's laughing out loud.Words can't contain the happiness i felt when I heard her laugh. I want to shout the joy i felt and share it to the whole world, mmm, good thing Facebook and Blogger exist and I was able to share the video to my friends...thank God i was able to capture it on video..so here it is:
Joy of my life
Dana's 4 months and 2 weeks here
Friday, January 15, 2010
Dana's Christening
Almost 3 months of preparation for my baby Dana's Baptism, it includes checking online for best cake/cupcakes supplier, venues, decors , invitations and souvenirs. I've came across different forums, blogs and gathered different ideas and feedback. Thanks to Google for making it easier for me to find anything under the sun. Anyway, I will share my supplier's ratings as well and li'l kwento so to help other mommies on their party events.
CHURCH: Holy Family Parish Roxas dist. Quezon City
Rating: 10+
We chose this church since it is very near to our house; just 5 minutes walk away. We opted to celebrate it Saturday so we can avail to the Special ceremony. We paid 1,350 all in all., the fee will depend on the number of Godparents. THe Father who baptized Dana was great, he's a bit kwela and my baby behave so well, she didn't even cry the entire ceremony. Just a bit shock when holy water poured on her head. MOst of her Godparents were late, but it's okay, we are still able to take pictures on the Altar.
INVITATIONS: layout was DIY by mommy and Ninang Leigh
rating: 10 ++++
For the invitations, i have created 2 layouts : online invitation and invitation given personally to the recipients.
The design were created (DIY) by me and mardz Leigh ( she was very helpful since that I'm still in the process of learning PS ...at that time..now I can rate myself 8).
The design were created (DIY) by me and mardz Leigh ( she was very helpful since that I'm still in the process of learning PS ...at that time..now I can rate myself 8).
I dealt with the manager of the shop and was informed that printing alone costs 15 per page. Since my invitation layout is back to back I just asked them to print 10 copies, so that would be a total of 150.00 because I already have my layout. It was a deal and I was advised that can pick it up after 2 days.
I went back to the shop to get my invitation and I was surprised to the amount indicated on the receipt. The total amount needed to pay is 300.00, for the breakdown, 150 printing and 150 layout. T
he manager was not there for clarification so I asked the Manong why do I need to pay for the 150 (layout), I also informed him that I was the one who did the layout and he knows it because he was there when I was dealing with his Boss. He can't give me any answer so I just opted to pay for the amount but promised to myself never to go back again to that Photo printing shop. The print quality is not even good. If I'm not mistaken the name of the shop is Columbia Photos. NOT RECOMMENDED SHOP.
I went back to the shop to get my invitation and I was surprised to the amount indicated on the receipt. The total amount needed to pay is 300.00, for the breakdown, 150 printing and 150 layout. T
he manager was not there for clarification so I asked the Manong why do I need to pay for the 150 (layout), I also informed him that I was the one who did the layout and he knows it because he was there when I was dealing with his Boss. He can't give me any answer so I just opted to pay for the amount but promised to myself never to go back again to that Photo printing shop. The print quality is not even good. If I'm not mistaken the name of the shop is Columbia Photos. NOT RECOMMENDED SHOP.
Printed in Divi...
rating: 10+++
Where to scout for cheap souvenirs, party items and the likes...of course we should not forget DIVI on our lists.
My sister and I went to Divi to buy souvenir items and other things needed. We originally went back to this Invitation/souvenir shops and asked if they can do printing but sadly they can only print photo invites. We went to Cluster and bumped into this printing shop for tarp where my tarp was printed (at the side of Cluster.) They also print invitations but they can't do it back to back, so I just decided to have them print it on one page, so the outcome was 1 invitation in one paper, and it only costs 5 per page (cheap..ayt?). I provided the specialty paper that I like.
so here's how it looks like, i just added 2 ribbons to hold the 4 page invitation:
Layout: DIY by mommy Map : created by Daddy Printed at Ink & Prints (Cubao) :: www.dalawangpiso.com ::
Rating: 10 +++++
Layout: DIY by mommy Map : created by Daddy Printed at Ink & Prints (Cubao) :: www.dalawangpiso.com ::
Rating: 10 +++++
Mareng Leigh recommended this Print shop since that they had Dafanai's guestbook printed here as well and the quality is great. I checked their website and luckily they have a branch in Cubao. So I went there and I've known Ate (super bait), very nice to deal with and she even offered to cut the maps; coz in 1 A4 size of paper, I have 6 maps. She even asked me if I'd like them to cut the thank you tags. Imagine how small the size of the tags are, and I know that it is beyond their service, so I opted to do it myself. It only costs 18.00 per A4 size. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
CANDLES (designed by Mommy)
Rating: 10+++
I just bought 2 pack of candles (20 pcs each). Originally I planned to have a little bear tied on the candle with a li'l tag (like the thank you card) with Dana's photo on it then the name of the Godparent but then I changed my mind because for sure I will not be the one to distribute it , so to eliminate any embarassing moment giving candle (with Ninong's name) to the wrong person. I just designed it with a ribbon of 2 different colors.
designed by: NInang Leigh
printed @ Divi
rating: 10+++++
We had different layouts prior to this chosen one. I can say that this layout was so simple and sophisticated, it focused on the chosen motif (pink and baby thingies). 2 thumbs up for Ninang Leigh for being so helpful and creative. It was printed in Divi and paid 350.00 (just for printing) ..3 x 4 feet ang size..
rating: 10+++++
Layout: DIY by Mommy
Created using Artscow (www.artscow.com)
Printed by Artscow
Rating: 8 (due to the delay)
print quality : 10 ++++
-- that is for the original Guestbook but then due to holiday season, it took more than a month for it to arrive here in Manila even though I have submitted it a month earlier. I just received it December 23 and boom too late but i sooo love it..I just paid 300++ for this. Lesson learned: submit it 2 months before the event..hehe
Layout: DIY by Mommy
Printed @ Ink and Prints (www.dalawangpiso.com)
I used the same layout since I ran out of time. A day before the event, I need to think what alternative I can use for Dana's guestbook. So 8 pm I went to Cubao (ink and prints) to have it printed (i just chose few pages from the layouts). Then I also went to hubby's office in Libis to pick him up (i just missed going home with him). So we arrived at 11 pm then I just started doing the guestbook almost midnight..good thing I have spare wrappers that I use for my previous scrapbooks and I came up with a new idea on how to compile it. Cuttings are not that perfect but still unique and cute. Here's a glimpse:
created by Papa Toks (my Dad)
Rating: 10 ++++
It is made of plywood then I just covered it with gift wrapper..:D The reason why i asked him to make a cupcake stand so that i can use it on any occassions. Thanks Papa..you love your granddaughter so much..sad coz he was not able to attend the event.
Rating: 10 ++++
The materials were bought in Divi then I was the one who assembled it, idea ko yung sa designs so sinabi ko na lang sa tindera yung materials na kelangan ko...just got it 18 per piece so total of 1,080.00 for 60 pcs. souvenirs.
RECEPTION VENUE: Bambu Gardens (bambugardens.multiply.com)
Rating: 8
Caterer: Amy's Catering
Rating: 7

The place is okay since maluwang din naman siya but since 11 am to 3 pm yung reservation namin mejo mainit na and may part na mejo naarawan na yung guest, maybe bec. the vines (halaman) na nasa taas e lanta na..so need nila baguhin yun. Other problem here is limited parking space..as in 3 cars lang pwede..
The package that we had worth 20,000.00 for 60 pax.
Food that we chose:
BEEF: beef with mushroom
PORK: lumpiang shanghai
CHICKEN: chicken cordon bleu
VEGETABLE AND PASTA: fresh garden salad with thousand island dressing
DESSERT: buco pandan
- food for 60 persons
- use of venue
- cake ( round )
- 30 pieces cupcakes
- use of in house components
- balloon décor
- buffet table with balloon centrepiece
- tables with floor length table cloth
- chairs with floor length seat cover and ribbon following your motif
- waiters in uniform
- complete catering equipment
as for the design of the place, i sent an email to Trixie (bambu) regarding the design of the centerpiece, the balloon decor since she mentioned that they can adjust the decorations as what i like so kampante ako na yung pictures ng balloons na gagayahin for the design e masusunod, simple lang nman mga sinend ko na pictures e..for the cake i also informed her kung pede yung design na gusto ko..instead of the crib, palitan ng topper..for the cupcake , may sinuggest din ako kaya lang may additional na and mas mapapamahal pa..so i decided to stick to their free cupcakes (kaya lang super sweet nung cupcakes). If she informed me earlier with regards to the design sana nakapagDIY pa ako ng decors para mas maganda..okay naman yung decor niya pero so simple..
For the foods...i like the beef with mushrooms and chicken cordon bleu as well as the fresh garden salad with thousand island dressing, the lumpiang shanghai was so-so...then for the dessert, we chose buko pandan but then i didn't see any buko pandan instead it was replaced with a chocolate cake so I asked the waiters where is the buko pandan and they can't tell me the answer so i looked for Trixie and was informed that she didn't know, maybe the reason why it changed from buko pandan to chocolate cake bec. prior to my party they had a party and the buco pandan was spoiled kasi mainit daw yung panahon so maybe to eliminate any food poisoning they just use chocolate cake as dessert BUT DID not even inform me about it. I paid for the package and it is my right to know if there are sudden changes , ayt? pero pinalagpas ko na lang yun..andun na e...sana lang narefund ako for some amount (for complimentary) hehehe...
the waiters are ok...nagseserve naman ng drinks and all...and i know that Iced tea is refillable so expected na hindi mauubusan..mainit kasi nga lunch time yun..pagdating ng 2:30 when we asked for Iced Tea..ubos na daw..diba dapat madami sila dala since refillable yun? hayz...mura na nga yung package pero sana naman mas naging okay if naiinform din ako..regarding changes..and if hindi pala masusunod yung suggestions ko so that i have an alternatives..
the waiters are ok...nagseserve naman ng drinks and all...and i know that Iced tea is refillable so expected na hindi mauubusan..mainit kasi nga lunch time yun..pagdating ng 2:30 when we asked for Iced Tea..ubos na daw..diba dapat madami sila dala since refillable yun? hayz...mura na nga yung package pero sana naman mas naging okay if naiinform din ako..regarding changes..and if hindi pala masusunod yung suggestions ko so that i have an alternatives..
Here are some pics of the venue, foods and decors..
BUT WE ENJOYED IT and OUR BABY ENJOYED IT AS WELL SO HER CHRISTENING TURNED TO BE SO GREAT.. she didn't even cry..natulog lang...hehehe..some pics to look at..
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